I am one day back, and it really feels great, I must admit. As you can see in my picture, I soon realized the depth of my dads presence when I was shopping and came across a MSI jersey and a Montgomery Soccerplex polo in the store. In the entire 8 months I have been here, not once have I seen anything even from maryland, let alone something this relevent to my dad. I took this as my first sign.
After my training I had a hard time going back to my site, because I was worried about being pressured to work and at the same time go through my grieving accordingly. I had a couple days of alone time where I ended up thinking too much, and then I realized that I needed to go back and give my community a chance. AND I AM SO GLAD I DID!! All the things I was worried about have gone and left my worried mind. I was greeted so warmly by my community, and instantly I felt better. When I came back, my host sister presented me to my family and said "your daughter has arrived". Kisses, hugs, smiles, affection filled the room. I found out tht all my plants had been tended for, the greens garden (all my lettuces and swiss chard and cucumbers) had been watered, my cilantro bed has been cared for and watered every day, my room had been maintained. They even saved a pile of chicken poop so that we could start a compost together like I had said I'd wanted to do before I'd left! they didn't forget! My host dad had put a huge shelf in my room so that I could put away all the things I had brought back from the states. I had left some laundry that I didn't get to do before I'd left, and when I came back it was all folded and done for me. It was evident that they missed me...
In other words I was just blown away by the hospitality of my host family and my community in general. Not one person told me how sorry they were, or instigated talk of my dad or anything like that. They were just so happy to have me back, and I for the first time since I have been back in nicaragua, I really felt wanted and like I was in the right place. All the projects I had started before I left hadn't been forgotten about (my animal concentrate project). I had anxious and interested community members approach me yesterday that I didn't even tell. It turns out that my host brother had been collecting opinions from the community while I was gone so we could generate a needs assesment when I got back. He was thinking of it all along! The little girl who I live with wouln't leave my side all day..she kept playing with my hair and giving me hugs, and all of the kids wanted to show me the presents they'd gotten for christmas.
And on top of it all, my goat (se llama pellybuey) had 2 babies last night! she was supposed to give birth around christmas, but my host dad said she waited for me to come home so I could be there for it. I feel so honored. I don'r know if you all have seen a baby goat, but boy are they cute! I tried to milk it unsuccesfully...oh well there is always tomorrow. I will take pictures and put them on here this weekend.
It seems like I have a lot to keep me busy this week at least, and I am excited to get back into the swing of things. I am sorry if this entry seems a little wordy, but I am very emotional right now, and well I tend to talk alot when I am feeling this way. This is not the last time you will here from me! As we say here, Hasta la proxima vez! (until next time!) VA PUES (go well!)
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