Thursday, March 18, 2010

'Side of the Road' Blues

So here I am, sitting on the side of the highway...resting atop a heap of sacks filled with cement; yes, it is me, the chosen one, the weakest link left here to guard these materials that just weighed too much for the poor truck in which we were all riding. Clearly, with 1000 bricks, 500Lbs of cement, 2 mountains of sand, and 15 boards of wood + a super steep incline that stretches upward for 2 overload is bound to happen. So there we were; chuggin, chugging, "we think we can we think we can"...Well as it turns out..we couldn't.

My truckload of construction materials deemed too much for just one trip. So we quickly realize after our truck starts rolling backwards that maybe lightening the load would be a smart idea.
Well we got up and over that big bad hill, but not without a struggle. My poor host dad and the helper of the truck driver, running up the hill behind the struggling truck, boulders in hand, for each time the truck stalls out, they are there to wedge the rock under the tires as a secondary form of brakes. And here I am, unable to do a thing. Lets be real. I am the weak, helpless woman who daintily trails alongside clenching fists and gasping at every screeching halt the truck makes. My host dad, wheezing, unable to catch his breath, and all I can think about is how we are going to have to turn this truck around and head straight for the hospital for his athsma attack in which I am surely responsible for.
If you didn't catch on, I bought my materials to make my very own room! $570 worth of materials. But I can't think of a price high enough to pay these poor souls for doing this man labor, that surely they did not sign up for. I can just imagine the work ahead. I must, however, insist on helping. I have to prove them wrong, I am not helpless as a matter of fact! Give me a job, designate me a chore; Zinc carrier, brick loader, tool man. I am desperate to participate in this procedure; tedious as it may become.
Of course I have time to think about all of this as i sit here laughing at the magnitude of the situation I am currently in. Literally, sitting on the side of the road, a highway, a lonely one at that; all the familiar faces of the bus drivers that pass me by, or pass me along from here to esteli and I; jaws open, smiles wide, heads shaking like "what the hell has this crazy girl gotten herself into?" and I just laugh and wave back as they pass by, knowing I will have a lot of explaining to do the next time I see them.
But I am completely comfortable, and it is nice to sit back and acknowledge the progress I have be perfectly in my element without a worry in the world (well except for the burns I am enduring on my nose), but who worries about that anyways.....
In other news, We have growth in the garden! Cucumbers are here! Little as they may be, it is evident that my work is paying off! Take a look at life on my little garden and tree nursary!

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