My life, on a website, while I am in Nicaragua taking part in what Peace Corps says is "The hardest job I'll ever love"...whatever that means...The good, the bad and all the graphic details that I am not afraid to over share.
That thing above? He is my arch nemasis. He keeps me up at all hours of the night, and annoys me with his "cock"yness all day long.
A compost is an equal balance of:
carbon sources (browns)--like leaves, nut shells, sawdust, corn cobs husks or any other husks, and nitrogen sources (greens)-- animal poop (cow, chicken, goat, pig, NOT human), egg shells, ash, fruit and vegetable scraps, etc. and sunlight, and water of course to keep things moist so that microorganisms can break down all the nutrients and turn them into usable, incredible soil to improve the quality of the plants one is growing. Our soil happens to be very clay-ish and therefore hard for roots of plants to pass through and develop properly.
So, my host brother has a chicken coop where he raises chickens to sell as a secondary source of income. So the chickens need "beds" in which he uses rice husks. Anyway the rice husks, get thrown away every 44 days, and they are beautifully coated with chicken poop by the end of the cycle. In other words we have a PERFECT balance of ingredients to make a compost. We started by preparing a giant 2x2 meter bed, about 2 feet deep. unfortunetly the land is what they call, 'pura piedras'-PURE ROCKS, and our first 2 days consisted of digging out the clay filled soil to remove giant boulders and rocks from our hole. It took all morning and afternoon, and I couldn't help but notice the profound strength that my host dad possessed. I wanted to ask him, "Dont you ever say to yourself, 'boy I am getting too old for this', or ' wow, my back is really starting to hurt from all this physical labor' ". But no, he is trooper, and I felt like I had to keep up with him seeing as though I was a third his age, and he was still trucking. I am hanging with the big dogs. He, unlike me came prepared for the sun and unfortunetly I forgot my sunblock, hat and long-sleeved shirt. So I was hurting the next morning.
Thats my host dad- what a guy!
Last thing that happened this week, was my host sister and cousin took me to there secret swimming hole that is on their family property. It was a little afternoon adventure that turned out to be a blast for all of us. It was my 17 year old sis ingrid, and my cousin 8 years old, paola. Little 3 year old linda wanted to come but we couldn't bring her because it was too much hiking. We explored the creek by our house and then followed it to the land that belongs to my host dad and then decided to go to this swimming hole. It was so much fun, as we walked my sister showed me the coffee plants and the mango and avocado trees of our family. She told me different uses for different plants that we saw along the way..She also told me stories about coming here when she was a little girl. So we get there, and it looks like a secret cove that is in the middle of a paradise! huge rock walls surrounded this little sun-kissed hole of clear water, that looked too delightful to pass up. We decided to take a dip, and ended up staying for hours...playing tag in the water, jumping off rocks, pretending we were models in a soap opera. All in all it was a great laugh, and I could tell I wasn't the only one enjoying myself. We were all giddy for the rest of the day, and all the other girls and I decided that we needed to go back and have a girls day at the "redonda" as it is called.
Well, That is all I have to report for this weeks little jammer. I hope you all aren't freezing your butts off in the snow-ma-gadden or whatever they are calling it. Oh by the way, I have a funny little story about that before I go. So my host brother calls me in the living room the other night and tells me that "maryland is on the news" I couldn't believe my ears, so of course I run in to find out that they are reporting on the snow fall. Well, there must have been a glitch in the system because what was reported was that "14 FEET of snow had fallen". I about died when I heard this; I knew it had been snowing a lot but I couldn't believe this . My heart fell when I thought of my mom and alice stranded at home with roof high snow. I left to call them immedietly the next morning only to find out that about 4 feet had fallen during the whole storm. WHEW.